Working with Artists on Creative Placemaking

For professionals in government, community development, or economic development, working with artists on creative placemaking can be fun, frustrating, comforting, nerve-wracking, eye-opening, or eye-rolling -- all at the same time. We’ll explore how to understand and respect different ways of problem solving and how to have more productive relationships.

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Course contents

Meet the instructor

Leonardo Vazquez, AICP/PP

Leo is the President of Creative Placemaking Communities.

He has worked on social justice issues for more than 30 years as a journalist, urban planner, educator, and creative placemaker. He designed Creative Placemaking Leadership Summits, the Certificate in Creative Placemaking, Community Coaching and many other programs offered by NCCP. He is the author of Leading from the Middle: Strategic Thinking for Urban Planning and Community Development Professionals and is co-editor of Diálogos: Placemaking in Latino Communities. He is a co-founder of the Latinos and Planning division of the American Planning Association, chairs the Sustainable Jersey Arts and Creative Culture Task Force, and sits on the Maplewood (NJ) Arts Council. He is the 2012 recipient of the American Planning Association’s National Leadership Award for Advancing Diversity and Social Justice in honor of Paul Davidoff.
Patrick Jones - Course author
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